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!include <C4/C4_Component>

Component_Ext(app, "Application", "Android Module")
Component_Ext(navigation, "Navigation", "Android Module")
Component_Ext(lib, "Lib", "Android Module")
System_Boundary(c2, "Feature") {
    Component(module, "Module", "Kotlin Object", "Declares dependency injection container for the current feature.")
    Component(router, "Router", "Kotlin Interface", "Declares feature navigation's intents.")
    System_Boundary(sreens, "Screens") {
        Component(fragment, "Fragment", "Android Fragment", "Decalares the UI of one screen.")
        Component(viewmodel, "View Model", "Android View Model", "Decalares the view model of one screen.")

Rel(app, module, "Loads")
Rel(navigation, router, "Loads")
Rel(router, fragment, "Refers to")
Rel(fragment, viewmodel, "Uses")
Rel(viewmodel, router, "Sends navigation actions")
Rel(viewmodel, lib, "Uses")

Last update: August 24, 2021
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