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Have the DB request working properly (no thread exception, etc.)


  • If it is the first database of the module, read the standard 🚧

Control points

  • The DB request must work on its own (no API call or anything else)

Key steps

  • In core/database, create the entities, DAO interface, and room DAO
interface MyDao {
    // We use single because it returns only one value
    fun upsert(element: MyElementEntity): Single<Unit>
    // We use flowable because it watches changes and the DB and send new values
    // It can be converted to Observable
    fun getAll(): Flowable<List<MyElementEntity>>
interface RoomMyDao: MyDao {
    @Insert(onConflict = OnConflictStrategy.REPLACE)
    override fun upsert(element: MyElementEntity): Single<Unit>

    @Query("SELECT * FROM my_element")
    override fun getAll(): Flowable<List<MyElementEntity>>
@Entity(tableName = "my_element")
data class MyElementEntity {
    @PrimaryKey val id: String = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),

    @ColumnInfo(name = "my_value")
  val myValue: String,
  • Register in Room the new entity and DAO (increase version)
    entities = [
        A::class, B::class, C::class,
          MyElementEntity::class // New
    version = 6 // New
abstract class MyDatabase : RoomDatabase() {
    abstract fun aDao(): RoomADao
    abstract fun bDao(): RoomBDao
    abstract fun cDao(): RoomCDao
    abstract fun myDao(): RoomMyDao // New
  • Register in Koin the new DAO
object CoreDatabaseModule {
    val module =
        module {
            single { MyStorageService.db.aDao() } binds arrayOf(ADao::class)
            single { MyStorageService.db.bDao() } binds arrayOf(BDao::class)
            single { MyStorageService.db.cDao() } binds arrayOf(CDao::class)
            single { MyStorageService.db.myDao() } binds arrayOf(MyDao::class) // New


For non-one-to-one relations between tables, check the room documentation

  • In the lib, create a folder "repository", here you should have

  • Adapters between domain and DB (these are different types)

fun MyElement.toEntity(): MyElementEntity {
  // Implementation here

fun MyElementEntity.toDomain(): MyElement {
  // Implementation here
  • Calls to the DB
class MyRepository(private val myDao: MyDao) {
  fun upsertElement(element: MyElement): Single<Unit> {
      return myDao
          // We can't do db operations on main thread

  fun getAll(): Observable<List<MyElement>> {
      return myDao
          // Get all is an flowable but we are used to observable in the code
          .map { elements -> { it.toDomain() } }
          // We can't do db operations on main thread
  • You can now use the calls from "repository" inside your cqrs

Mistakes to avoid

  • Forget to do a migration when affecting an existing table
  • Forget to register in room and in koin
  • Forget to be on an io thread

Last update: August 24, 2021
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