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With conditions

In Xcode, right-click on breakpoints to add conditions. You can even do some actions, like po to print the variable in the console.

Disable all breakpoints

When running your app, you can deactivate all your breakpoints and conserve their state, enabled or disabled. Just below the code area, select the blue arrow.

Enable breakpoint only inside / outside

If you program in Swift, you are probably using closures (similar to lambdas in other languages). Sometimes, your line contains both a closure and its surrounding environment. An extreme example can be this

func myFunction(dict: [String:[String]]) { { (key, value) in { string in string.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces) }

Here we have 2 closures and a surrounding environment. When building, Xcode expands the breakpoint in 3 sub-breakpoints in the breakpoint navigator. You can now enable or disable the one you want by looking at the closure signature.

Last update: August 24, 2021
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