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Detect Instagram-like gestures with Jetpack Compose

This is the second article of a series about Jetpack Compose.


Posts in this series :


Resources :

What we'll try to achieve

  • On press on the 1st left quarter of the screen : go to previous screen.
  • On press on the right 3 quarters of the screen : go to next screen.
  • On press-and-hold anywhere : pause the progress bar.
  • On progress bar finished : go to next screen.


Recreating Instagram's stories screen

Let's warm up by using our progress bar in a typical Instagram's like screen.

fun InstagramScreen() {
    // We will hardcode those parameter for now.
    val steps = 5;
    val currentStep = 2;
    val isPressed = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    val goToPreviousScreen = {}
    val goToNextScreen = {}

        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
        modifier =
                Brush.linearGradient( // (1)
                    colors = listOf(GreenLemon, GreenLeaves, BlueSea), // (2)
                    start = Offset.Zero, end = Offset.Infinite
    ) {
        InstagramSlicedProgressBar(steps, currentStep, isPressed.value, goToNextScreen)
            horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
            verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
            modifier = Modifier.weight(1f)
        ) {
                text = "Hello world !",
                style = Typography.h1,
                color = Color.White
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))
                text = "Tap or wait to go to the next screen",
                style = Typography.body1,
                color = Color.White
            Spacer(modifier = Modifier.height(8.dp))
                text = "👉",
                style = Typography.body1,
                color = Color.White
  1. This is the way of creating a linear gradient ! Very useful.
  2. Use a list of colours that you like. Mine is :
     val GreenLemon = Color(0xFFA9F24D)
     val GreenLeaves = Color(0xFF00C88C)
     val BlueSea = Color(0xFF4895AD)
     val Purple = Color(0xFF9248AD)
     val RedRaspberry = Color(0xFFE2264C)

Adding gestures

Adding gestures to this screen is not very complicated. Jetpack Compose pointerInput modifier is very handful in this situation :

fun InstagramScreen() {
    // We will hardcode those parameter for now.
    val steps = 5;
    val currentStep = 2;
    val isPressed = remember { mutableStateOf(false) }
    val goToPreviousScreen = {}
    val goToNextScreen = {}

        horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
        modifier =
            ).pointerInput(Unit) { // (1)
                val maxWidth = this.size.width // (2)
                    onPress = { // (3)
                        val pressStartTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
                        isPressed.value = true
                        this.tryAwaitRelease() // (4)
                        val pressEndTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
                        val totalPressTime = pressEndTime - pressStartTime // (5)
                        if (totalPressTime < 200) {
                            val isTapOnRightTwoTiers = (it.x > (maxWidth / 4)) // (6)
                            if (isTapOnRightTwoTiers) {
                            } else {
                        isPressed.value = false
    ) {
  1. pointerInput installs a gesture detector. It is attached to some key. If the key change on recomposition, the previous gesture detector is detached and a new one is created.

    Here we use Unit because we want to install a permanent gesture detector.

  2. We can retrieve the Composable's width inside a PointerInputScope ! Wow !

  3. detectTapGestures's onPress attribute is what we need to detect custom on-press behaviours. It expects a suspend function and provide in its scope a suspendable awaitRelease and tryAwaitRelease functions.

    Those functions pause the coroutine execution until the user releases its gesture !

  4. We wait for the user to release its gesture.

Setting up the navigation

We can easily set up a navigation with the androidx.navigation:navigation-compose package.


Here is our entry point :

fun Navigation() {
    val navController = rememberNavController()
    NavHost(navController = navController, startDestination = "instagram/{steps}/{currentStep}") { // (1)
        composable( // (2)
            arguments = listOf(
                navArgument("steps") { type = NavType.IntType; defaultValue = 8 }, // (3)
                navArgument("currentStep") { type = NavType.IntType; defaultValue = 1 }, // (4)
        ) { backStackEntry -> // (5)
  1. Here we declare our router. Its start destination is instagram/{steps}/{currentStep}.
  2. We declare a route. There are some navigation params : steps and currentStep.
  3. steps is an Int; we can use a default value.
  4. currentStep is an Int; we can use a default value.
  5. We pass down our navigation params thanks to backStackEntry argument.

Remember our hardcoded values ? Let's change those :

fun InstagramScreen(navController: NavController, steps: Int, currentStep: Int) {
    val goToNextScreen = {
        if (currentStep + 1 <= steps) navController.navigate("instagram/$steps/${currentStep + 1}")
    val goToPreviousScreen = {
        if (currentStep - 1 > 0) navController.navigate("instagram/$steps/${currentStep - 1}")


Here you go !

The final result is here :


Last update: August 24, 2021
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